Remote Work & Culture

How to Scale Quickly With High-Quality Customer Success Teams

Sam Walton, American businessman and entrepreneur who’s best known for founding Walmart and Sam’s Club, said it best:

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”

It’s straightforward. But it’s true. When a customer feels like they’re more than just another number, they’ll be delighted and share their delight with others.

All that to say, if you’re committed to scaling your business, one of the most critical factors to sustainable growth is putting your focus on making the customers you have happy. And to make them happy, you need high-quality customer success teams. So here’s the lowdown you’ve been looking for to get going in the right direction:

1. Take advantage of a large talent pool of remote workers.

Does your entire team need to be under the same office roof, let alone the same zip code? Probably not, which is why you need to take advantage of a large talent pool of remote workers. They’ll help you reduce your overhead expenses—from office space to utilities, and even employee accommodations.

But are you worried you’ll lose the ability to manage your team when many members aren’t nearby? Sure you are. Who isn’t? Going back to our earlier point, however, there are plenty of highly-qualified candidates out there with the skills to thrive in a remote work setting. And not only that, but they’re also eager to help you achieve your ultimate business goals.

(And the best part? You won’t need to outsource to call centers or other providers to get the job done. More on that in a bit.)

2. Don’t cut corners with a bad hire. 

Customer success is built on a solid hire. Though it’s no surprise that it’s difficult to hire qualified remote team members quickly and efficiently. That doesn’t mean you should cut corners, however, to get someone onboard ASAP. Remember, it costs hard-earned money and valuable time to train new employees. So fine-tune your hiring process and get laser-focused on what exactly you’re looking for in a great candidate. Good people will make a good team, but great people will make a great team.

Here at Instant Teams, we’re lucky to have a talent community of highly-qualified U.S. citizens located across the globe. And each member has completed a proprietary candidate journey through four levels of guided and assessed vetting. Therefore, when you join forces with us, you can rest assured that nothing but the top candidates are ready to work from day one.

3. Measure your team on their performance.

You know how the saying goes: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” And it’s true. If you don’t measure the performance of your remote team, you’re not doing your growth goals justice. But, you’re probably wondering how you can measure for performance when you’re leading a group of people across many time zones, right?

Well, remember, customer success is very task and time centric. So you need to focus on performance metrics to gauge just how much your customer success team is serving you. Some metrics worth noting include time to first response, average handle time, interactions per resolved cases, and customer satisfaction.

Why performance, and not attendance or input? Because you can’t be a fly on the wall in everyone’s remote work environment to see what they’re doing during every working minute.

The question you have to ask yourself, however, is this: What is the outcome you hope to see with a customer success team? That’ll help you decide which metrics you should be focusing on for a greater understanding of how you’re moving the needle each month.

4. Leverage technology for real-time insights. 

From a management level, it’s important to understand who’s working when, how many hours they worked, and how much of your forecasted budget you’ve used. With so many things to oversee, however, how will you ever keep up with it all in real-time?

We’ve got the answer. It’s ARTI*—the custom remote team management tool we developed, giving companies like yours insights into your remote workforce. Inside, you can see all of your cost and performance metrics as it relates to your remote teams. That way, you’ll rest easy knowing that they’re performing while your company is saving money.

*Keep on reading to learn how you can access this tool. 

5. Join forces with Instant Teams.

Scaling is difficult—especially for remote customer success teams. So why not join forces with us? We can take on the headaches of hiring, on-boarding, technology, and payroll so you can focus on scaling your business.

And that’s all thanks to our community of professionally-skilled military spouses, an HR-compliant onboarding process, dedicated team leaders available throughout every step of your remote team journey, a custom remote team management tool to make it all happen, and happy customers as a result.

But don’t just take our word for it. Click here to read through our success stories.

Ready to create your customer success team?